The Doctrine of Discovery? or The Doctrine of Slavery and Colonization
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A brief 7 minute video describing the Papal Bulls of the 14th Century known as the Doctrine of Discovery and their influence on the foundations of the United States of America.Narrated by Mark Charles (Navajo Nation)
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The Doctrine of Discovery is the legal and moral justification, given by the Catholic Pope to white Christian European men to go into Kmt=Abibiman=Land of Black People (Africa) and Enslaved and Colonized Black=African people.
“…invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Africans and pagans whatsoever…reduce their persons to perpetual slavery…and convert them to Christianity for your use and profit.”
This is the Papal Bull that gave the legal authority for white European Christian men, by any means necessary, to convert all Africans=Black people to Christianity and in all European ideologies, ways of thinking, ways of life, beliefs, norms, customs, culture, religion, etc.
This is all about white European terror domination and white European terror supremacy. EVERYTHING brought to us by our enslavers and colonizers cannot and will never be good for us.
The white European ‘Doctrine of Discovery’ is a never ending Christian Crusade, a Sharia Law Crusade by global white terror domination and global white terror supremacy against Black=African people.
Europe relies on Kmt=Abibiman=The Black Land’s wealth and resources for its survival. The war against and the demonization of Black=African people has become too profitable for global white European terrorist to stop. So this why white European terror domination and white European terror supremacy will NEVER stop. IT IS TOO PROFITABLE FOR THEM. If they have to kill and assassinate your leaders, they will kill and assassinate your leaders; if they have to bomb your country, they will bomb your country; if they have to kill and murder Black=African men, women, and children, they will kill and murder Black=African men, women, and children. It is all about global white terror domination and global white terror supremacy, and the stealing, looting, plundering and pillaging of Kmt=Abibiman=The Black Land’s natural wealth and resources and how much profit they can get out of it.
After 800 years, this Doctrine of Discovery=Doctrine of Slavery and Colonization by white European terror domination has remained a mystery in Kmt=Abibiman=Farafina=Land of Black people.
Why has this Doctrine of Discovery=Doctrine of Slavery and Colonization remained an enigma and a mystery in Kmt=Abibiman=Farafina=Land of Black people .
How has the European able to hide this Doctrine of Discovery=Doctrine of Slavery and Colonization from Black=African people for this long?
My suggestion is that every Black=African child should know about this Doctrine of Discovery=Doctrine of Slavery and Colonization. Every Black=African child should learn this Doctrine of Discovery=Doctrine of Slavery and Colonization, from childbirth to University level. We should be having Black=African scholars, thinkers, philosophers, Obenfuo, PhDs discussing and brainstorming on the Ideology and Doctrine of Discovery=Doctrine of Slavery and Colonization, and helping us come up with the number one solution on how we can get up under the humiliation and oppression of the Doctrine of Discovery=Doctrine of Slavery and Colonization by white European terror domination and white European terror supremacy.