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Voodoo in Togo | African History Documentary

51 Views· 11/09/19
Ọnuọra Abụah
Ọnuọra Abụah
30 Subscribers
In History

In Part 2, Ọnuọra Abụah travels to Togo (West Africa) to learn more about the Vodun spiritual system and of how Europeans have turned it into a thing of evil.

His journey begins at Kamina and Wahala where WW1's first casualties are found. Onuora then heads south to the enslavement house at Agbodrafo before meeting a Vodun priest near Lomé. Onuora concludes the trip with a visit to a Vodun market. What he learns is Voodoo is really just "Good Magic"

#VoodooInTogo #VoodooInAfrica #SlaveryInAfrica #VoodooHistory

FOLLOW: @aeafilms

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