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Ɔbenfo Kambon "The English Language Has Rewired Black Peoples Brains To See Spirituality As...&
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Watch more reasonings from Obenfo Obadele KambonPt.1 https://youtu.be/5CrgXxYtbEMPt.2 https://youtu.be/zC90zNAQOO4Pt.3 https://youtu.be/ewJuhrfZUmwObenfo Obadele Kambon is a world-renowned master linguist, scholar and the architect of Abibitumi the oldest and largest Black social education network on the planet.In pt.4 of this reasoning, Obenfo Obadele Kambon explains the impact the English language has had on Black peoples understanding of spirituality.Please click link below to learn more about Obenfo Obadele Kambon and his work:https://www.sankofajourney.com..../https://www.abibitu
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The example hot-cold expression, reminds me of *ɛkɔm de me* "hungry av mi", I suspect a worldview contrast there
Much needed discussion.