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39 Views· 01/04/23
Baka Omubo
Baka Omubo
47 Subscribers

#newyear, #happynewyear, #russia, #pele #popefrancis #2023
New Year begins on 1 January? True or false? Here is my Disclaimer. As an African I refuse to let Julius Caesar, Pope Gregory, Muhammad or anyone control my worldview via the new year celebrations or holidays. It is clear I do not celebrate New Year on their January 1 or March their month of Mars, the Roman god of war… Our African history and Spirituality as taught by many ancient sages and these days by Sangoma Baba Credo Mutwa and current spiritual leader Mkhulu Nsingiza is that September 22-23 is the African calendar new year.
With this view we shall look at the roman year 2022 and seriously interpret why what happened occurred and what You need to do to guard, protect and grow Your consciousness in their New Year 2023… now why did the following major events occur in year 2022.
1. This War in Europe.
2. Health Pandemic Machinations.
3. Towards Another Pandemic 2025.
4. Unipolar Dictatorship through-rigged elections.
5. Satanic Forces in Sports and celebrity lives.
6. Religion.
7. Waking Up.
Find out some wise tips in this video on how you can make their year 2023 YOURS!
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