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Agroecology in Africa: Opportunities, Constraints, Prospects and Limitations | 17 Mar 2021

13 Views· 07/23/21
Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi

The webinar will discuss the opportunities, constraints, prospects and limitations of agroecology in Africa. It will explore exactly what agroecology is, the ongoing efforts to popularize it in Africa, the likely positive and negative impacts of its widespread adoption, and its intersection with modern agricultural methods, among other topics.

Panelists include: Irene Egyir, an associate professor in the University of Ghana’s Agricultural Economics Department; Nassib Mugwanya, a Ugandan agricultural communications specialist and PhD candidate at North Carolina State University; Bernard Guri, executive director of the Center for Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development, in Ghana; Pacifique Nshimiyimana, an agribusiness entrepreneur in Rwanda, and Charles Nyaaba, head of programs and advocacy for the Peasant Farmers Association. Moderator: Joseph Opoku Gakpo, a journalist from Ghana currently enrolled in a master’s program at North Carolina State University.

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