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Chinweizu: The Sources of Black Africa’s Stagnation—A Theme in Niggerology

49 Views· 04/05/21
Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the presenter in a personal academic capacity and do not necessarily represent the views of the Institute of African Studies.Presenter: ChinweizuTopic: The sources of Black Africa’s stagnation—a theme in NiggerologyChair: Nii K. Bentsi-EnchillABSTRACT: I am developing a new social science discipline called Niggerology. Its remit is to find cures for the maladaptive behavior that the Maafa implanted in Negro cultures, and that have obstructed the black countries and societies from getting their act together since they recovered political autonomy in the period 1956-1994. The failure to get their act together is illustrated by the inability of any of them to industrialize; or to escape stagnation, instability or confusion; or to avoid being easy prey to foreign interference, intervention, domination and subversion.Niggerology is a multi-disciplinary field integrating techniques and resources primarily from historiography, psychology, and ethology (the biological science of animal behavior in their natural habitat) and applying them to phenomena in the Black world.My talk will discuss one of the principal themes in Niggerology: It will identify two of the still unrecognized prime sources of Black Africa’s stagnation.

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emenari3 3 years ago

Poor audio. Chinweizu is incessantly chewing something, gum perhaps. This is annoying and certainly unbecoming. He is handling the microphone which seems not to be at optimum volume until someone comes to his aid. There is too much background noise and distortion. With such a scholar as Chinweizu is what is it not that he has recorded more videos and presentations as this was recorded years ago is a mystery. Another question is why has not his most notable book been readily available?

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