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Closing the Breast Feeding Gap and White Supremacy

14 Views· 09/02/21
Kwadwo Danmeara Tòkunbọ̀ Datɛ
In Health

www.bittermedicineblogs.com – A recent New York Times article, “Working to Close the Breast Feeding Gap” totally surprised us! In it, the article says that Black women are not encouraged to nurse as much as white women, due to the history of their own mothers not breast feeding them.

Shockingly, Black newborns are nine times more likely than white babies to get formula in hospitals. Initially, white women led the charge to raise their children on baby formula, and Black women followed suit. However, at some point white women ditched baby formula, realizing “breast is best”, but Black women did not follow. It should be noted: White women leading the charge towards feeding babies with baby formula is rooted in Slavery.

Many Black women today shun breast feeding because it reminds them of days gone by, during slavery, when Black women were forced to not only work the fields, but also be wet nurses to white families.

We examine the reasons why there isn’t more lactation assistance in our community; Black women’s traumatic history with being wet nurses to their oppressor’s children; the pros and cons of breast feeding from both a scientific and metaphysical stance; and we relate all of this to why white supremacy discourages breast feeding in the Black community.

These and other topics are discussed. Listen to find out more!

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