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20 Views· 06/10/20
20 Subscribers

Bla Xit Family, thank you for joining the channel to watch another episode of Bla Xit your guide to repatriation to relocate in Africa. Because we are in Lockdown most of our programmes are now based in The Gambia. After seeing recent events unfold in China where gross human rights abuses and criminal activity including physical attacks and abuse and forced removal of our African sisters and brothers from their homes I urged a boycott of all their products and services. When I did this I did not intend to harm existing African businesses that had existing franchises or that sold Chinese products before this plandemic! So one such business that was affected by the boycott was a local shop that I actually shop in! Opps so to reprieve myself and to apologise I have made a video in their shop. I realised the importance of us being able to mine our own metals ourself, smelt them ourself, process and mould them and create them and manufacture them ourselves, distribute and market them ourselves and purchase them ourselves. This Sao family enterprise SAO is based on this premise. They gave me hope for the future, their ambition is to mine, manufacture and sell their own tools in the future. Lets support them, like they said in the video they have to learn how to do it and all aspects of the business to be the best. I really admire them so please give this video a lot of likes and shares and please subscribe if you haven't already. We are aiming to get to 100,000 subscribers and we can do it if we put our mind to it! Become a Bla Xit Champion and get us lots of subscribers by sharing please?

We want to thank Wode Maya our inspiration for starting us on our way and continuing to support us. Big up all of the Vloggers and Bloggers changing the narrative of Africa.

If you would like to support us you can by making a donation to via Paypal using Bopcollective@Yahoo.Com email address. https://www.paypal.com/gm/home
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We are very grateful for your generosity and kindness. It helps us to continue to create content.
Big Love Bla Xit Family.

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