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Gil Noble Vault- The assassination of Malcolm X

2 Views· 0 Purchases· 10/29/24
Ọbádélé Kambon
Ọbádélé Kambon
230 Subscribers
In History

⁣The Gil Noble Vault refers to the extensive collection of interviews, reports, and documentaries by Gil Noble, the acclaimed journalist and host of the TV show Like It Is, which focused on issues relevant to Black communities. One of the most notable topics Noble explored was the assassination of Malcolm X, a defining moment in the history of the Black Liberation Movement.
Malcolm X, a revolutionary leader and prominent figure in the Nation of Islam (NOI) before his departure, was assassinated on February 21, 1965, at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City. Gil Noble covered the assassination and its aftermath extensively, focusing on the political, social, and conspiratorial aspects of the event. Noble's work challenged mainstream narratives and provided a platform for voices calling into question the official story regarding who was responsible for Malcolm X’s murder.
In the Gil Noble Vault, various episodes of Like It Is delve into this topic, featuring interviews with key figures such as Malcolm X’s family members, historians, scholars, and civil rights activists. These discussions often explore the role of the FBI, CIA, and the potential involvement of the NOI leadership in orchestrating or allowing Malcolm's assassination, as well as the deep divisions within the Black liberation movements of the 1960s.
The archives also include rare footage and interviews that shine a light on Malcolm X's philosophy, his impact on Black consciousness, and the legacy of his ideas long after his death. Through this vault, Gil Noble helped preserve the memory of Malcolm X and his struggle for Black liberation while encouraging ongoing inquiry into the true circumstances surrounding his death.

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