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Jeremiah Camara - Does The Church Limit Black Progress?

37 Views· 10/28/23
Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei
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In this eye-opening and maybe controversial conversation, I sit down with accomplished filmmaker, speaker, and author, Jeremiah Camara to discuss his films: Contradiction: A Question of Faith and Holy Hierarchy: The Religious Roots of Racism in America. My good friend, Dr. Terri Daniel, a chaplain, grief counselor, and theology scholar, joins us.

Jeremiah Camara is the director and producer of the documentary film Contradiction: A Question of Faith, which examines the saturation of churches in African American communities coexisting with poverty and powerlessness. Contradiction can be viewed on Amazon Prime Video. Camara is the author of the books Holy Lockdown: Does The Church Limit Black Progress? and The New Doubting Thomas: The Bible, Black Folks & Blind Belief.

Camara is also the creator of the widely watched YouTube video series Slave Sermons… a mini-movie series addressing the harmful effects of religion.

His latest and upcoming documentary project is titled, Holy Hierarchy: The Religious Roots of Racism in America. Holy Hierarchy… explains how the presumptions of a Supreme Being in colonial America led to precepts and beliefs in supreme human beings and how these beliefs morphed their way into the legal system and ultimately turned racism into an institution.

ℹ️ You can find Jeremiah at: https://www.jeremiahcamara.com Dr. Daniel is at https://www.danieldirect.net

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