Judge Sahai Maxwell "Most Parents Are Adults In Body, But Are Irresponsible Youth In Mind"
31 Ansichten·
Watch more reasonings from Judge Sahai Whittingham Maxwell
Pt. 1 https://youtu.be/hGPNslektvo
Pt.3 https://youtu.be/bGrFdULFr5w
Pt.4 https://youtu.be/k1ZmqMv6N9U
Pt.5 https://youtu.be/_n4EYDrVKuM
Pt.6 https://youtu.be/T8YGFEB-qoU
In this clip Judge Sahai Whittingham Maxwell speaks on the occurrences of child abuse and child neglect in Jamaica.
Whittinghman believes most parents are unaware of what good parenting is.
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