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NOTHING TO HIDE documentary (Eng, 2017)

20 Views· 03/18/24
Baba Jason
Baba Jason

NOTHING TO HIDE (2017) deals with the acceptance of mass surveillance through the "I have nothing to hide" narrative. “Eye-opening” (Forbes) “Fascinating” (Les Inrocks).
Support the Creative Commons Non Derivative Non Commercial licence of the film: allowing the film to be online for free.

More info about Nothing to Hide and its sequel Disappear:

The production of the film a cost, we rely on your donations.
*About the Creative Commons license:
The license Creative Commons – Attribution – Non Commercial – No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) allows you:
- to watch and share the film for free in four languages (English, French, German, Spanish) if you give credit to the authors and share the link of the website (
- to organize a public screening without paying any royalties as long as the entrance to the screening is free and open to everyone.
- For commercial screenings (with entrance fee, yearly fee or restricted to certain audiences, i.e. conferences) and for broadcasting, contact the authors on the website (
- You are invited to make a donation to contribute paying the production of the film and its upcoming follow-up.

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