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Okuninibaa Kerida McDonald : Be Careful What You Do Around Your Children And Make Sure You Listen To

21 Views· 03/19/24
Baka Omubo
Baka Omubo
47 Subscribers

⁣Okuninibaa Kerida McDonald is a Rastafari singer, songwriter, and Harvard graduate who has worked with UNICEF for over 20 years. She is also the mother of reggae singers Kelissa, Keznamdi, Miss Jamaica finalist Kamila, naturopathic doctor Kamani, and UN International school graduate Kadiya.Enjoy 'Throw Forward' clip from ⁣Okuninibaa Kerida McDonald providing sound advice to young parents.➡️ Tune into 'I NEVER KNEW 📻'🇲🇱Roots, Rock, Reggae Music🇲🇱Hosted By : Jr of 'I Never Knew Tv'https://www.WLOY.orgSunday 9 -11 AM ESTWednesday 8- 10 AM ESTThursday 10- Noon AM EST#parenting #ineverknewtv ineverknewtv

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