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Presentation: Electronic Waste Dumping in Africa [2018]

17 Views· 04/30/21
Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi

Full Title: Electronic Waste Dumping in Africa
Presenters: Lauren Johnson
Advised by: Steven Frysinger
Abstract: European countries such as Germany, Norway, and the UK along with the United States, China and Japan are creating more electronic waste than ever before. When electronics break or are replaced with a newer model, they are shipped by E-waste recycling companies to Africa and resold in markets at a discounted price. Unfortunately, many of the products arrive broken beyond repair and must be discarded. The electronics end up in countries like Agbogbloshie in Accra, Ghana where huge dumps of e-waste accumulate. The e-waste dumps are then scavenged by locals who hope to make money from the precious metals contained within the electronics. Sadly, this electronic waste is accompanied by a number of health and environmental problems due to the toxic chemicals present in many of the devices. The research conducted regarding electronic waste dumping in Africa involves analyzing current legislation dealing with the import and export of electronic waste as well as a life cycle analysis of electronics. It will be used to determine what steps can be taken to remediate electronic waste sites and prevent future electronic waste dumps.

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