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The Haitian Revolution - Revolution and Liberation - Part 3

7 Views· 11/18/24
Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei
37 Subscribers
In History

📜 The Haitian Revolution: Revolution and Liberation - Two commissioners sent from France arrive in Saint Domingue. Their goal is not abolition. Their goal is only to enforce the new commission from France, a commission that grants full rights to the free people of color. And yet, their arrival will alter the course of the uprisings and lay the groundwork for the full Revolution. And the Revolution finally decides its end goal: The complete abolition of slavery. But not without a little help. I hope you all kept your flowcharts ready because Spain and England are both joining the war!

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 4 months ago

Free People of Color=Biracial Mulattos
from the union between enslaved African women and white French men.

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