Who is Set - The Egyptian NTR of the Desert, Violence, Disorder & Foreigners
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Set is a enigmatic, archaic and enigmatic Ntr of the ancient Egyptians. At the same time the murderer of Osiris and the contending defiler of Horus, he is also lord of the Ombos, Ntr of the frontier and protector of the sun Ntr (GOD) Ra, battling with the chaos Ntr Apophis at the bow of the Barque of Millions. Let's trace the history, development and eventual demonization of Seth. From his inauguration of death, his veneration by the family of Rameses, synthesis with Ba'al and Yahweh and his final role in the dark magic of the Greek Magical Papyri.
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To the ancient Kmtyw, Set was personified as the Ntr of Evil, Disorder, Storm, Disturbance, Violence, Blood, Bloodshed, Warfare, War, Killing, Murder, Chaos, Desert, Dryness, Infertile, Drought, Famine, Hunger, Disease, Oppression, Foreign Invasions, Foreign Occupation, Foreign Influence.
For thousands and thousands and thousands of years, this is how the Kmtyw in ancient Kmt viewed Set.
Before the huge influx and migration of the Jews into Lower Kmt (northern Kmt; Alexandria, Egypt) and before the writing of the Septuagint, the writing of the Hebrew Scriptures-The Torah- into Greek texts, (Excerpt scholars and historians believe that at the height of the Hellenistic Greco-Roman empire, there were close to a million Jews that migrated from the desert land of the Levant (present day Palestine and Israel) that settled in Lower Kmt (Alexandria Egypt) because of the invasion and conquest of the Greco-Roman army in the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula.
The ancient Kmtyw did not known anything about a mythical exodus story. They have never heard of an exodus story until the Jewish migration into the Hapi River (Nile River) Delta of Lower Kmt (Alexandria, Egypt) and until the Hebrew Bible was written in Greek, the Septuagint.
What we have to remember the Greco-Roman empire army had also invaded and conquered the desert lands of Judea, Canaan and the Levant (modern day Palestine and Israel) this caused a huge influx of Jews (at the height of the Hellenistic Greco-Roman empire, there was close to a million Jews) in Judea that had migrated to the Hapi River (Nile River) delta, along Lower Kmt territories (Alexandria, Egypt). And when the Jews settled in Alexandria, Egypt, they brought with them their culture, traditions, religion, language, myths, faith, beliefs and history into Lower Kmt (Alexandria, Egypt).
The native indigenous Kmtyw living in Lower Kmt , have never heard of any exodus story involving the Israelites, Hebrews, Jews being slaves in Kmt and their god, Yahweh, rescuing them out of bondage, slavery, and from the strong grips of an unknown and unnamed King of Kmt.
When the ancient Kmtyw first heard and read this mythological story of the exodus of the Hebrew Israelites Jews, they associated Yahweh with the all-evil, all-malevolent Ntr, Set.
In Kmtic mythological stories, Set is associated with the chaotic elements such as blood, bloodbath, bloodthirsty, violence, killing, murder, infertility, drying up, famine, drought, desert, foreign invasions, foreign rule, plagues, diseases, etc.
Thus, it wasn’t hard for the ancient Kmtyw to associate and connect the evil Ntr, Set, with Yahweh, the Creator ‘god’ of the Jewish people. To the Kmtyw, Set and Yahweh had the same essential qualities, nature, elements and desire for evil, chaos, destruction, violence, killing, murder, bloodshed, invasions, disorder, disease, death, oppression.