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Why Black Diasporans are returning to home - Stories of reconnection
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Interesting to hear the various points of view in the discussions, I realize more than ever that the West’s divide and conquer propaganda machine continues to thrive. The bottom line for us is coming together as a people because if we don’t know who we are we will always be who people say are.
DW is a German media company. It’s like this video had an agenda of pushing the false propaganda narrative that Africans don’t like African Americans and the Diaspora.
Africans don’t want African-Americans and the Diaspora in Africa. Which is a complete lie.
This video is some trash.
“Ghana has no jobs. If I get the chance I’m leaving Ghana.”
How is Ghana supposed to develop and have economic growth and prosperity, if its economic policy is IMF and the World Bank loans.
—Ghana has borrowed from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 17 times since gaining independence in 1957.
In May 2023, the IMF approved a $3 billion loan to Ghana, which was the second time the country had borrowed from the IMF in the previous eight years.
—And in December 2024, The IMF's Extended Credit Facility (ECF) program approved a $360 million loan to Ghana.
This is the reason there is no jobs in Ghana.
Every time Ghana goes to the IMF and the World Bank for loans, there is conditions and stipulations attached to it.
—Free market trade: Ghana has to allow foreign goods to flood into its local markets. Ghana has opened its market and allowed free trade of foreign goods to flood into Ghana to the detriment of the local Ghanaian market (example, from foreign rice to second hand clothes), which has undercut the local economy and as result has led to job cuts and job loss.
-Military Base:
Ghana has given the United States, its national airport as a military base for the United States to do whatever it wants. Ghanaians have no power or say on what goes on in the United States foreign military base in Ghana. This is a stipulation and condition of Ghana going to the IMF and the World Bank for monetary loan aide.
—The United States told Akufo-Addo, the ex-president of Ghana, that “if you sign that anti-homosexual lesbian LGBTQA+ bill into law in Ghana, we are going to cancel the $3 billion dollar IMF loan to Ghana” and Akuffo-Addo said “Ok, yes, I will not sign the anti-homosexual LGBTQA+ bill into law”. Akuffo-Addo had to obey the United States wishes because Akuffo-Addo is align with and supports the foreign policies of the United States in Ghana.
—Elections-Champion of democracy:
The United States is using election and the democracy ploy to manipulate the political system in Ghana by forcing elections and promoting political candidates who are more aligned to favor the United States and western countries foreign policies in Ghana and also undermine the political candidates in Ghana who they believe will not be aligned to support the United States and the west foreign policies in Ghana. The United States and the west are literally influencing the internal politics of Ghana through IMF and World Bank loans. This is democracy in Ghana. Through the manipulation of IMF and World Bank loans, Ghana has literally copy and paste the political system of America. Ghanaians are happy when there are no violence during their election voting process. For Ghanaians that is victory. That is democracy. It is not jobs (the youth are constantly complaining there is no jobs In Ghana), not good infrastructures, like roads In Ghana, not economic growth, or good education for our children, etc., NO, in Ghana as long as the United States can say “Ghana is the champion of democracy in Africa”we are happy, Ghanaians are happy, but the foreign military base In Ghana, and the dismal job and economic output In Ghana, we are OK with that. As long the United States can pat Ghana on the head and say “Ghana is the beacon of Democracy in Africa”, we smile, clap and say “Thank you”.
—Foreign Multinational Companies:
Through the IMF and World Bank loans, the United States and western governments have forced Ghana to agree to privatize all of its natural resources to foreign multinational companies. Which means that foreign multinationals companies are getting 80-90% of all of Ghana’s natural wealth and resources revenues.
Which in turn cuts jobs in the mining sector of Ghana for the local Ghanaian, because it is foreign multinational companies who are reaping the bulk and benefit of Ghana’s own natural resources and wealth.
—Stipulations and Conditions on IMF and World Bank Loans:
There are stipulations and conditions of the IMF and World Bank loans that has been put in place that Ghana can only use the IMF and World Bank monetary aid on American and western multinational companies. So in actuality, these millions and billions dollar loans that the World Bank and the IMF gives to Ghana will eventually go back into the United States and western countries economies and bank accounts.
—Every time Ghana goes to the IMF and the World Bank for a monetary handout, there are stipulations and conditions put in place that does not allow Ghana’s economy to grow and prosper like the United States and other developed countries in Europe.
Why is it that when African-Americans and the Diaspora are moving back to the Mother Continent of Africa, the western media is using the scenario of what happened in Liberia with the Americo-Liberia, as a broad brush of what might happen if African Americans and the Diaspora move back to Africa.
Different cultures of Black people have been migrating throughout Africa and forming peaceful families, communities, nations and kingdoms for millions of years. But because of a fake, unnatural, forced, manipulated colonization in Liberia, this is the only propaganda narrative that the western media wants to broadcast and show to the world that, this is what happens when Black peoples of different cultures and different backgrounds come together, with the end result being war, violence and genocide. But these same western media, like DW of Germany, will NEVER EVER EVER broadcast to the world, the millions and millions of years of Black peoples of different cultures and different backgrounds coming together to build powerful civilizations that lasted for hundreds and even thousands of years.
This video was some garbage.
Thank you for posting this! Very interesting to hear all of the opinions and personal stories during the group discussion in Accra.