Africans Never INVENTED or ADOPTED the Wheel?
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Africans never invented the wheel?
Africans never adopted the wheel? me or support my content here: #63
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The history of wheeled transport goes back to the African kingdoms of Kmt, Kush, Nubia, Aksum, Dahomey, etc., as well as the absence of wheels in the road-building kingdom of Asante. It is important to note that the wheel was present in Africa, especially in ancient Kmt, in ancient Nubia, in ancient Kush, and in ancient Aksum. You see on the walls in Kmt and Nubia the representations of wheeled chariots and wagons to the extensive use and depictions of chariots in Kmt, Nubia, and Kushite warfare. Many parts of Africa were familiar with the wheel since antiquity.
One particulary notable African society that was familiar with the wheel was the kingdom of Asante in what is now Ghana. Considering Asante's extensive well built road system and network, it may on first sight appear to be rather surprising that Asante didn't adopt the use of wheeled transport. It has been shown that Asante's road users would not have seen any significant improvements in travel speed had they adopted wheeled transport.
The cost of wheeled transport greatly outweighed the returns in the Asante Kingdom.
(Thanks to @Malami_Naka of
The history of wheeled transport goes back to the African kingdoms of Kmt, Kush, Nubia, Aksum, Dahomey, etc., as well as the absence of wheels in the road-building kingdom of Asante. It is important to note that the wheel was present in Africa, especially in ancient Kmt, in ancient Nubia, in ancient Kush, and in ancient Aksum. You see on the walls in Kmt and Nubia the representations of wheeled chariots and wagons to the extensive use and depictions of chariots in Kmt, Nubia, and Kushite warfare. Many parts of Africa were familiar with the wheel since antiquity.
One particulary notable African society that was familiar with the wheel was the kingdom of Asante in what is now Ghana. Considering Asante's extensive well built road system and network, it may on first sight appear to be rather surprising that Asante didn't adopt the use of wheeled transport. It has been shown that Asante's road users would not have seen any significant improvements in travel speed had they adopted wheeled transport.
The cost of wheeled transport greatly outweighed the returns in the Asante Kingdom.
(Thanks to @Malami_Naka of