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Chapter 1 AUDIOBOOK - Blueprint For Black Power

275 Views· 02/27/22
Karuga Mwangi
Karuga Mwangi
20 Subscribers

⁣The Black Treasure Chest presents... Blueprint for Black Power audiobook. The only audiobook version of this seminal work.

Narrated by Treasure-Oritsetimeyin Akhimien

The chief editor and close friend of Dr Amos Wilson, Sababu N Plata is fully aware this production. He said I can continue... to a certain extent. I'll do as much of the book as I possibly can. Please support the movement and buy Amos' books from https://afrikanworld.info/

You can also donate to The Black Treasure Chest. A social enterprise, dedicated to African-centred knowledge distribution and systematic educational support.

cashapp: £blacktreasurechest
paypal: theblacktreasurechest@gmail.com

Love to every Supporter, seen and unseen. Love to the Spirit of Amos Wilson, who is supporting me A LOT, as I attempt to make him proud, and to make my own heartfelt contribution to the Global Movement of Afrikan Freedom.

Love and Black Power everytime x

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