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Kenyan women accuse British Army soldiers of rape, abandoning kids

24 Views· 06/18/24
Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei
34 Subscribers

CNN's Larry Madowo reports on the women accusing British Army Training Unit, Kenya (BATUK) soldiers of decades of rape, sexual violence and/or abandoning their children without consequences. They say they received no support or compensation from the UK & Kenyan governments, despite thousands of complaints.

"We call it British boys behaving badly," the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights says

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Babasola Adejola
Babasola Adejola 6 months ago

This children should be classified as White European and sent to Europe to gain control of the Governments and set up trade deals that favor Africa.

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 6 months ago

I agree. But that will never happen. The white man’s bastardized child is always pushed into the Black community=Kmt for Black people to raise them.

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