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Limits of Perception - The Secrets of Nature

20 Views· 08/10/21
Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi

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This is a journey form the smallest manmade hole - by removing just one single atom - to the edge of the universe. Man has finally succeeded in making the ancient dream of Greek philosophers come true - to «see» an atom. In another direction we also seem to have unlimited sight: the «Hubble Telescope» grants us a glimpse of the remotest galaxies. This documentary assesses the limits of human perception, taking us on a journey through time from the quasars, millions of light-years away from earth, via the wonders of our populated world to the depths of human genotype and the structure of a single atom. «Limits of Perception» promises a filmic journey of exploration from micro- into macrocosm.

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