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The Forces of Induction [1969]

8 Views· 06/09/21
Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi

This is one of several films made at Imperial College London in conjunction with ICI. The entire film, except for a short end sequence, was shot in the laboratory of Professor Eric Laithwaite at Imperial College London. This is one of many examples demonstrating electromagnetic forces and in particular the linear induction motor for which Eric Laithwaite was famous. Many of what he called his 'toys' are seen, these are models that help demonstrate the concepts and forces of electromagnetic induction etc.
This was currently the best transfer from 16mm film that we had of this unique engineer in his 'work place', but for a better quality version please now go here: https://youtu.be/CmKF72CPR0s


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