White South Africans Are Only 7% of the Total Population Yet Own 72% of the Farmland
White South Africans Are Only 7% of the Total Population Yet Own 72% of the Farmland
Explore the stark reality of land ownership in South Africa, where white South Africans, comprising just 7% of the population, own a staggering 72% of farmland. This video delves into:
• The historical roots of this imbalance, tracing back to colonial times and apartheid
• Key legislation like the 1913 Natives Land Act that shaped racial segregation
• The ongoing impact on black farmworkers and rural communities
• Current efforts and challenges in land reform
Uncover the complexities of South Africa's land issue and its implications for the nation's future.
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The Land is the body of a people.
You cannot separate a people from the Land and you cannot separate the Land from a people.
The Land is the Life of a people.
Without Life in a body, a person dies.
Without Land a people dies.
The Land is the body of a people.
The Land is the body of a people. You cannot separate the two.
You cannot separate the relationship of a people from their Land.
White South Africans own a large portion of the country's farmland, despite making up a small percentage, 7 %, of the population.
According to a 2019 government audit, 78% of South Africa's private farmland is owned by white people, even though they only make up 7% of the population.
Land reform programs, restitution, and other land transfers to the state and Black farmers have reduced the amount of land owned by white farmers. However, white farmers still own 78% of farmland with private title deeds.
During Apartheid, segregationist policies concentrated land in the hands of white people. Apartheid leaders tried to make South Africa into a "white" country and Blacks only occupying their "homeland”, meaning Black South Africans don’t belong in South Africa, meaning Black South Africans are only occupants in their own land, meaning Black South Africans can be kicked out of their “homeland” at anytime.
Decades since apartheid rule ended, white South Africans who make up about 7 percent of the population still own most of the country's lands and farmlands.
The last report I read was that white South Africans Boers, 7% of the total population in South Africa, owns 80% of the farmlands in South Africa. And all of the good fertile farmlands in South Africa are in the hands and control of white South African Boers.