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Malcolm X - Words From The Frontline (1992) | Greatest Speeches

55 Views· 05/12/21
Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
In History

Words From The Frontlines - Excerpts From The Great Speeches Of Malcolm X

1. "We Want Complete Separation"
2. "You Got What's Know as 'White's Disease'" 13:33
3. "Keep That White Man's Claws off Our Women" 25:54
4. "There's No Such Thing as a Non-Violent Revolution" 31:19
5. "I'm a Field Negro" 35:46
6. "... Stop Singin' and Start Swingin" 44:23
7. "... By Any Means Necessary" 48:42
8. "You Can't Hate the Roots of a Tree and Not Hate the Tree" 54:38

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