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The Kemetic Roots of West Afrika

54 Views· 08/28/22
Baka Omubo
Baka Omubo
47 Subscribers
In History

The Kemetic Roots of West Afrika

This video provides a breakdown of the Kemetic ancestral roots of contemporary West Afrikan populations using a multidisciplinary evidence based approach. Some of the fields of analysis include:

Historical Linguistics
Historical Archeology
Structural Systems etc.

The ancestry of the Igbo, Yoruba, Wolof and Akan is discussed refuting the notion that the Afrikology subfields of Kemetology and Nubiology are the Hamitic hypothesis painted black. In reality scholars within these disciplines spearheaded the effort to defeat Hamiticism, especially at the Cairo Symposium of 1974.

0:00 Intro Identity Crisis
1:17 Afrikan map making
2:40 Hamitic Hypothesis
4:06 Hamitic Linguistics
5:00 Western Centered Historical Perspectives
5:30 West Afrikan Oral History
5:40 Archeological Industries from Eastern Afrika
6:00 West Afrikan Occupation Record
6:50 West Afrikan Oral History was not altered by eurasians
7:25 Afrikan Centered Philosophy and Logical Inferences
9:10 Pluridisciplinary Analysis
9:38 The Mulongi Model of Dr. Dika Akwa
10:17 Ancient DNA analysis at Shum Laka
10:44 Sahelian migratory ancestry of Kmt/Kush
11:07 Afrikan Historical Comparative Linguistics
12:30 Sahelian Waterways
12:44 Sengambian Historigraphy
14:04 Akan Historigraphy
15:10 Commonalities in Afrikan Material Cultures
15:40 Igbo Historiography
17:24 Yoruba Historiography

Music: Smith The Mister; Riviera, 1993, Clocks.

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T. Y. Adodo
T. Y. Adodo 2 years ago

Blacktastic share. Gathering educational materials fi mi pikni

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Baka Omubo
Baka Omubo 2 years ago

duA, medase pa onuabarima

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