Who Killed MLK? The Question STILL Remains
“It was Martin’s precious blood. This blood was shed for us.’ Jesse puts his hands in the blood and wipes it on his shirt. What do you do in a moment like that?” — Andrew Young on Jesse Jackson shortly after MLK, Jr. was shot
Who Killed MLK? The Question STILL Remains
Every 3rd Monday in January, we hear Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr’s famous, “I Have A Dream” speech, but if you research this still mysterious murder—and even deeper, the days that led up to his assassination—you’ll find it really was (and continues to be) a nightmare!
This nightmare became even more deceitful when white media labeled James Earl Ray the lone assassin. While most accepted, there are those that knew there was another side of the story that wasn’t been heard.
Find out about Jesse Jackson’s role in my 4th book, ‘Who Iz the Boulé?: The History of America’s First Black Fraternity and the Derailment Toward Afrikan Self-Reliance available in paperback, audiobook, eBook, and digital PDF.
http://daghettotymz.com for details (link also in Bio).
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#DaGhettoTymz30thYear #MLK #WhoIsTheBoule#AfricanHistoryMonth365 #TheHistoryYouDontKnow