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Best Divine Défense

61 Views· 02/03/23
Baka Omubo
Baka Omubo
47 Subscribers

#reptilia #defence #divine #spirit #afrika #ashe #chinese
What stops demons, evil spirits, devils,’ archons, reptilians, chitauris openly attack kidnap kill or cause outright open warfare and mayhem?
Why do they do everything in codes, hide and seek? Play in the shadows?
Looks like they have to use physical forces in humans or Nature to destabilize humans why?
It is clear they use some humans to do their dirty work. Why?
All This has NEVER been explained.
If you have answers or sources of relevant information answering these questions, please leave the links in the description. What you will find in the majority of searches are scattered explanations though great and explosive with outright exposure they still are not easy to apply in life...
In ancient Africa religion, the concept of the divine spark, or ba and ka, represented the individual's spiritual essence and their potential for attaining a higher state of consciousness. According to this belief, each person was born with a spark of divine energy that was a part of the universal life force, but this spark has to be awakened and cultivated in order to reach its full potential. But there is more.
For example, in the Yoruba religion of Nigeria, the concept of "Ase" refers to the divine life force or power that animates all living things.
In the Akan religion of Ghana, the concept of "Sunsum" refers to the individual's spiritual essence or soul that is believed to have been created by the supreme being
, the divine spark is understood as an innate aspect of a person's being that is present from birth.
Ancestors mashavi- compliment DS
Chi is a person’s spirit. It is a personal life force or, a person's providence, or a portioned-out life principle.
Chukwu created the world, then he put the creative spirit in the man known as his Chi to decide the course of his life.
Chinua Achebe writes, "A man does not only have his own chi but is created by it and no two people, not even blood brothers, it seems, are created by the same chi."
But how do You know you have connected with or have awakened the divine and your life is now accessing deeper aspects of the self, an enlightened Hueman can experience? Even if you think you have greater inner peace, understanding, and fulfillment what guarantees must give certitude of success? The answer is found in the practice taught in this video/. WATCTCH IT and Share It.
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