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Crisis In Black and White (1967) |The Unfinished American Revolution | Leon Sullivan Floyd McKissick

12 Views· 05/12/21
Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
In History

Great panel discussion in the aftermath of the Watts uprising exploring the future of America, the successes and failures of the Civil Rights movement and the need for financial empowerment in addition to integration. As Floyd McKissick discusses ay 37:15 , the Civil Right's movement only benefited the Talented Tenth. The uprising s were a reflection of Revolution. Selection from the 6th annual Philadelphia Public Service Conference sponsored by Group W, whose theme was "The Unfinished American Revolution : Crisis in Black and White." Liner Notes:Racial conflict is one of the most urgent problems of urban America. Unlike the other dilemmas of the city -water and air pollution, inadequate transportation, growing slums, overtaxed educational facilities, increas­ing crime, and others--the racial problem seems to be the least sensitive to immediate or lasting cures.This was the prevailing view point of a distinguished panel of experts w ho addressed the 350 delegates in attendance at the Philadelphia Con­ference, the sixth such meeting held under Group W sponsorship to ex­plore new concepts in radio and television public service programming.Using the theme, ''The Unfinished American Revolution” Crisis in Black and White,"" the panelists who discussed the racial problems included J. Alfred Cannon, M.D., Associate Director, Division of social and Community Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles ;"Major General George M. Gelsto n, the Adjutant General of Maryland and former Acting Police Commissioner, Batimore ; Floyd B. McKissick, National Director, the Congress of Racial Equality; Dr. Alex Rosen, Dean of the Graduate School of Social Work , New York University; Reverend Leon H. Sullivan, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Opportunities Industrialization Center, Philadelphia. The panel· moderator was Herbert Cahan, Group W area vice presi­dent, Baltimore.Highlights from the discussion are presented in these recordings-an examination of ''The Crisis in Black and White.

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