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mulatto marley politics

19 Views· 01/05/25
T. Y. Adodo
T. Y. Adodo
17 Subscribers
In History

bob marley very explicit about the connection between his biogenetic composition and his divided loyalities -- mi no de pahn nobadi said 'mi no deh pon nobody side'. Illuminates the general problem of biogenetic mulattoes

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 2 months ago

Mixed raced mulatto children are only elevated in the Black Community=Abibiman=Kmt.
Outside of the Black Community=Kmt=Abibiman mixed raced mulattoes are looked down upon. That’s why mixed raced mulatto people love to attach themselves to the Black Community because of they know in the Black Community they will be propped up and put on the highest pedestal, for example as the standard of beauty. In non-Black communities like the whites, especially in the white community, mixed race mulatto children are seen as less attractive than their “monoracial” woman, but not in the Black Community=Abibiman=Kmt . In the Black Community, Black People worship the ground that mixed raced mulatto people walk on. That is mixed race mulatto people are always pushed into the Black Community.

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T. Y. Adodo
T. Y. Adodo 2 months ago

YEP! the embrace of mulattos is anti-black behavior. One of the things I observe, for ex, is when i criticize the amerikkkan one drop rule, it is very few men who understand the problem. I think it's because many of them, incl. pan-africanists, want to have sex with mixed women as use one drop as a cover their for the anti-black sexual desires/delusions

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 2 months ago

@T. Y. Adodo: True. Pan-Africanist will come out strongly denounce their hatred for interracial relationships, especially their hatred for interracial unions between a black personality and a white person, but then you will see these same “Pan-Africanist” being married or in a relationship with a biracial Mylar person. Pan-Africanist LOVE the end-product of interracial relationships, but they hate the process that is used to produce the end -product that they so much love, which is the biracial mulatto child. . This is very true among so-called Pan-African men. It is very DISTURBING.

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 2 months ago

@T. Y. Adodo: It is no wonder the One Drop Rule is so heavy promoted, endorse and welcome in the Black Community=Kmt=Abibiman.

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 2 months ago

@T. Y. Adodo: Whenever ever I see a black person, in an interracial relationship with a biracial mulatto person, I automatically have it in the back of my mind that the black person wants to be with a white person but for whatever reasons, he or she couldn’t get one. Maybe getting with a biracial person is the closest thing he or she can get to whiteness, or either they don’t want to be seen as a sell out, to the Black race so they will use the biracial mulatto person as a cover up for their fetish to be in an interracial relationship with a white person and/or will use the One Drop Rule to escape the criticism and backlash from the Black Community by saying, “My wife/husband is ‘Black”.

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T. Y. Adodo
T. Y. Adodo 2 months ago

@Kwabena Ofori Osei: bUt kwAmEnA, BlAcK gEnEs ARe StRonG --- EvERyone BLacK!

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 3 months ago

“Me don’t deh pon nobody side. Me no deh pon the black man side, or the white man side”.
— I wish Nana John Henrick Clarke would have written the book “The Role of the Bastard (Mulatto) as a Factor in World History: How The Bastard (Mulatto) Has Been Used As A Weapon In The Destruction of Black Civilization”
—How many examples after examples do Black people need to see how the Bastard (Mulatto) has been a constant threat, thorn, headache, deadly virus, cancer, nuisance, and destruction for Black people and for Black civilizations: From Kmt to Songhai to Ayiti, to the Cape Coloured (Mulatto) in South Africa, to Mulatto Marley (white grandchildren) and till today, it never ends good for Black people.
—I will rather go childless in my lifetime on this earth than bring a Bastard (Mulatto) into this world. Because I know how it always ends. Not Good for Black people. It never ends good for Black people.

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T. Y. Adodo
T. Y. Adodo 3 months ago

@Kwabena I think part of the problem among 'those who *ought to* know better' is the tendency to conflate distinguish nation-building with social justice under 'X was *for* black people' (the latter being phantom of liberty nonethess)

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 3 months ago

“Me don’t deh pon nobody side.
Me deh pon God side. The man who created me.”
—God=an old white man (just like Mulatto Marley’s white father).
Mulatto Marley is literally saying he is on the white man side.
This is why all of Mulatto Marley’s children married white people. And all of his grandchildren are walking around as white people.

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 3 months ago

“Me don’t deh pon nobody side.
Me no deh pon the black man side, or the white man side”.
-And we wonder why all, if not most, of Mulatto Marley’s children married white.

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Kwabena Ofori Osei
Kwabena Ofori Osei 3 months ago

“Me don’t deh pon nobody side.
Me no deh pon the black man side, or the white man side”.
—Well it seems like, Mulatto Marley’s children chose a side. Because all, if not most, of Mulatto Marley’s children married white.
Most of Mulatto Marley’s grandchildren are now white people.

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