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Songhai Sustainability Project

29 Views· 04/18/21
Ọbádélé Kambon
Ọbádélé Kambon
227 Subscribers
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What is ULU?

ULU is an acronym for Us Lifting Us Economic Development Cooperative, LLC, a global economic enterprise designed to change the paradigm of how we do business with and among ourselves and with others. Our primary objective is to put in place practical business models that give us the capacity to gain significant control of the economics of our communities and to free us from the current state of economic exploitation by multiple forces in the world.

ULU represents the leading edge of a new and exciting movement to integrate large-scale cooperatively owned business enterprises into the economic landscape of Black communities in the US and beyond. This innovation is necessary and has proven to be effective in helping communities gain their economic footing.

We are learning from tremendously successful models in other communities around the world; where hundreds of thousands of new jobs have been created, where many have been lifted out of poverty and where wealth and the tools of wealth creation are being successfully passed to future generations.

What is Black Power Cooperative Economics?

Black Power Cooperative Economics is a movement and strategy to gain control of the economics of our communities and nations through the implementation and proliferation of large-scale cooperatively owned business enterprises that are firmly rooted in our culture. The immediate benefits of such a strategy are the creation of many new jobs, the stimulation of business activity in local communities and the contribution to and support of crucial social institutions. Long-term, this strategy provides a realistic and proven way to build an Independent Black Economy; one that we can control and use to serve the fundamental needs and interest of our people worldwide.

ULU takes the strong position that significant economic advancement for our community is impossible with traditional entrepreneurship and business ownership alone. Radically different approaches are required. Large scale cooperatively owned enterprises in the context of “Black Power Cooperative Economics” adds the otherwise missing and vitally necessary element.

Why should I join?

Millions of our people sincerely desire a stronger and more vibrant economic foundation for our communities. And there is widespread frustration with our failure to redirect and make better use of the large sums of economic resources that flow through our collective fingers. If you count yourself among these numbers, join with ULU and help to build the machinery of real and lasting economic power. We need you.

It should be understood that ULU is first and foremost a business, cooperatively owned and democratic. Some of our very real social needs can not be met by ULU alone. ULU, to be effective, must stay true to its charge as a tool of economic empowerment in service to the total needs of our communities and people. Our name, ”Us Lifting Us Economic Development Cooperative” points clearly to our unique mission.

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