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The Controversial Authenticity and Illicit Journey of the Egyptian Queen's Iconic Sculpture.0:00 🔍 The authenticity of the famous Nefertiti bust is questioned by some experts.5:46 👑 The queen of Egypt, Nefertiti, is known for her beauty and her relationship with her husband, Akhenaton. They ruled during the 18th dynasty and established a new religion centered around the worship of the sun god, Aton. Their reign was short-lived and their city, Akhetaton, was eventually abandoned.11:51 🔎 In the early 20th century, the Prussian archaeologist Borschacht discovered the bust of Nefertiti in the city of Akhenaton, Egypt, after conducting extensive excavations in the area.17:42 🔍 An investigation raises doubts about the authenticity of the bust of Nefertiti.23:32 🔍 The authenticity of the Nefertiti bust is questioned due to its use as a model and its absence from public display for many years.35:54 🔍 Analysis of pigments found on the bust of Nefertiti confirms the use of authentic materials, but does not provide an age for the sculpture.42:26 🔍 Investigation reveals illegal removal of Nefertiti bust from Egypt to Berlin in 1913.48:29 🔍 The controversy surrounding the sharing of artifacts from an archaeological dig in Egypt is brought to light.Follow us on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/BestDocumentaryTV
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